About this App

WordMap was conceived and created by one guy. If you find it useful or enjoyable, please spread the word! If you find bugs or problems please email them here: help@wordmap.info

User Privacy

WordMap and its publisher do not collect or store ANY user data off your device. All access to your device info, social media accounts or other text sources for mapping is done by using the official Apple APIs and platform access points, and only when requested by the user. User speicifc text, maps and style data are NEVER shared with the publisher, or any 3rd parties. Usage of this app is governed by the standard App Store Terms of Service.


WordMap © Imaginary Cartography 2008-2018 except for some code where previous rights apply. Rights for maps that you create belong entirely to you, the user, though I ask that you retain the WordMap button/logo and credit the app as your source.